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Jquery Mouse Tracker

Let's track that little fella!

Jquery Mouse Tracker

Jquery mouse tacker, as the name specifies, is the jquery plugin that lets you put a text at the tail of mouse and it will track the mouse wherever it goes.

Basic Demos

Before I go into the detail of plugin, have a look at the following quick demos:

To reset/remove any toast you can do the following:

var tracker = $.trackMouse("Track that little fella.");
tracker.reset(); // reset the tracker"

or alternatively, if you don't have the reference



Ideas to use it

You can use it however and wherever you want. Some possibilies, when using the tracker over whole page i.e. when target is not specified, are:

Some possibilities, when target is specified are:

For further details, please visit the repository and consider going through the readme. For your feedback and critqiue, please consider sending me an email at

Note the toasts that pop up at the top right section upon activation the target trackers are being generated using my jquery toast plugin